LatinYouTubePremium resources


primary French

Unit 1 - Salut ! Ça va ?
Unit 1A

(PDF 38 KB)

Unit 1B
(PDF 34 KB)

Unit 2 - On va compter !
Unit 2A

(PDF 37 KB)

Unit 2B
(PDF 35 KB)

Unit 3 - Les couleurs
(PDF 37 KB)

Unit 4 - Dans mon sac à dos
(PDF 39 KB)

Unit 5 - Ma famille et moi
Unit 5A

(PDF 39 KB)

Unit 5B
(PDF 39 KB)

Unit 6 - Mon drapeau
(PDF 36 KB)

Unit 7 - Au zoo
Unit 7A

(PDF 39 KB)

Unit 7B
(PDF 49 KB)

Unit 8 - Quelle est la date ?
Unit 8A

(PDF 38 KB)

Unit 8B
(PDF 38 KB)

Unit 9 - J'ai faim !
Unit 9A

(PDF 39 KB)

Unit 9B
(PDF 37 KB)

Unit 10 - Quel temps fait-il ?
(PDF 48 KB)

Unit 11 - Quelle heure est-il ?

Unit 12 - Les grands nombres

Unit 13 - Les planètes

Unit 14 - On décrit
Unit 14A

Unit 14B
Unit 14C

Unit 15 - J'adore les sports

Unit 16 - En ville
Unit 16A

Unit 16B
Unit 16C

Unit 17 - C'est moi

Unit 18 - Je suis musicien

Unit 19 - Matisse

Greetings and feelings: Listen, Read, Write
(PDF 177 KB)

added 27.11.22

Boys' names and girls' names
(PDF 199 KB)

added 01.09.22

Greetings sentence builder
(PDF 205 KB)

added 01.10.21

Greetings vocabulary builder
(PDF 56 KB)

Greetings vocabulary builder (lower ability)
(PDF 118 KB)

added 01.10.21

Salut! minibook
(PDF 512 KB)

added 3.7.20

ça va? minibook
(PDF 508 KB)

added 3.7.20

Correcting writing
(PDF 326 KB)

added 13.12.19

Sample dialogues for saying and spelling your name
(PDF 40 KB)

added 01.09.15

Greetings sample dialogues
(PDF 38 KB)

added 13.8.15

Greetings and saying how you feel sample dialogues
(PDF 46 KB)

added 13.8.15

Saying your name and age bunting
(PDF 70 KB)

added 23.02.15

Asking and saying your name
(PDF 632 KB)

added 30.9.14
Asking and saying your name (alternative)
(PDF 634 KB)

added 17.1.17

Greetings wordsearch
(PDF 199 KB)

added 30.9.14

Asking and saying your name
(MS PowerPoint 500 KB)

Saying your name
(MS PowerPoint 194 KB)

Greetings Triangles
(PDF 176 KB)

"What's your name?" cards
(MS Word 455 KB)

"What's your name?" cards II
(PDF 855 KB)

"What's your name?" cards III
(PDF 7.7 MB)

added 06.05.16


Numbers to 10 practice
(MS PowerPoint 394 KB)

added 08.08.23

1 to 5 practice
(MS PowerPoint 708 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 call out
(MS PowerPoint 343 KB)

added 02.02.23

Numbers to 20 practice
(PDF 422 KB)

added 02.02.23

Saying your age (numbers to 20) sentence builder
(PDF 16 KB)

added 02.02.23

Saying your age
(MS PowerPoint 422 KB)

added 02.02.23

Greetings and age: Listen, Read, Write
(PDF 176 KB)

added 27.11.22

Saying your age - sentence builder (1 to 16)
(PDF 17 KB)

added 01.09.22

Numbers survey
(PDF 19 KB)

added 01.09.22

Numbers survey with French names
(PDF 101 KB)

added 01.09.22

Numbers 1-16 practice activities
(PDF 305 KB)

added 01.09.22

Saying your age - minibook
(PDF 514 KB)

added 3.7.20

Saying your age - sentence builder
(PDF 17 KB)

added 22.5.20

Correcting writing
(PDF 261 KB)

added 13.12.19

Sample dialogue for saying your age
(PDF 38 KB)

added 17.11.17

Saying your age, for older learners
(PDF 556 KB)

added 17.11.17

Quel âge as-tu? song
(PDF 122 KB)

Flashcards to accompany song
(PDF 1.1 MB)

Saying your age
(PDF 130 KB)

Saying your age (numbers to 10)
(PDF 132 KB)

added 02.02.23

Saying your age (lower ability)
(PDF 137 KB)

added 05.01.16

Quel âge as-tu?
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 MB)

Quel âge as-tu? Cluedo
(MS PowerPoint 143 KB)

Calculations using the numbers 0-10
(PDF 24 KB)

added 13.12.19

Number splats 1-15
(MS PowerPoint 1.8 MB)

added 03.06.19

Football numbers 10-15
(MS PowerPoint 303 KB)

added 03.06.19

1-6 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 272 KB)

added 03.11.15

Un chien, deux chiens, trois chiens - number game
(PDF 62 KB)

added 13.8.15

5 in a row - numbers to 15
(PDF 40 KB)

added 13.8.15

Numbers 1 to 6 spinner
(PDF 24 KB)

added 23.02.15

Numbers 1 to 10 practice
(PDF 49 KB)

added 6.2.15

Car park numbers 1-6 and 1-12
(PDF 552 KB)

added 27.11.16

Car park numbers 1-10
(PDF 1.38 MB)

How to use it
added 5.1.15

Numbers 1 to 15 cards
(PDF 14 KB)

0-12 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 196 KB)

0 to 12 flypast
(MS PowerPoint 162 KB)

3 Kim's games 0 to 12
(MS PowerPoint 222 KB)

Counting in French 1 to 10
(PDF 39 KB)

(PDF 60 KB)

1 to 6
(PDF 61 KB)

Number bingo cards x12
(PDF 114 KB)

Numbers 1-10 flashcards
(PDF 33 KB)

Number Cards
(MS Word 28 KB)

Number Triangles
(PDF 275 KB)

Numbers 1-6
(MS PowerPoint 220 KB)

Les numéros monolingual dictionary
(PDF 4.7 MB)

added 2.7.14


Listening jars - colours
(PDF 302 KB)

added 22.11.24

Complete the colour sequences
(PDF 43 KB)

added 08.08.23

6 colours practice
(MS PowerPoint 495 KB)

added 02.02.23

Colours dialogue
(PDF 41 KB)

added 02.02.23

12 colours with words
(MS PowerPoint 665 KB)

added 02.02.23

Colours tangled translation
(PDF 76 KB)

added 01.09.22

Les couleurs monolingual dictionary
(PDF 5.4 MB)

added 2.7.14

Quelle couleur? write in the correct colours
(PDF 183 KB)

added 29.08.21

Colours minibook
(PDF 1.3 MB)

added 3.7.20

Colours squares puzzle (with pictures)
(PDF 786 KB)

(PDF 1.8 MB)

(PDF 735 KB)

added 29.10.16

Colours squares puzzle (words only)
(PDF 13 KB)

(PDF 13 KB)

(PDF 12 KB)

added 29.10.16

5-in-a-row colours
(PDF 36 KB)

added 02.08.16

Colours minimal pairs listening activity
(PDF 134 KB)

added 24.03.15

Colours 8-sided spinner
(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 23.02.15

Colours practice
(PDF 518 KB)

added 6.2.15

Car park colours
(PDF 3.1 MB)

How to use it
added 5.1.15

Colours and shapes minibook
(MS PowerPoint 63 KB)

added 28.4.14

Paf! Colours - pair work, slap the right colour
(PDF 258 KB)

Colour display cards
(PDF 2.2 MB)

Colours wordsearch
(PDF 5 MB)

Colours puzzle
(PDF 58 KB)

Colours dominoes
(PDF 54 KB)

Colours "follow me"
(PDF 49 KB)

Colours Stroop activity
(MS PowerPoint 2007 75 KB)

Colours and animals
(MS PowerPoint 175 KB)

Colours sound files

Colours with words
(MS PowerPoint 140 KB)

2 Colours Kims games
(MS PowerPoint 192 KB)


J'ai / je n'ai pas de with classroom objects
(MS PowerPoint 690 KB)

added 17.02.24

Dans mon sac à dos - writing task
(PDF 301 KB)

added 17.02.24

J'ai / Je n'ai pas de / As-tu sentences with classroom objects
(PDF 545 KB)

added 08.08.23

J'ai / Je n'ai pas de + classroom objects - sentence builder
(PDF 16 KB)

added 08.08.23

J'ai + classroom objects - sentence builder
(PDF 14 KB)

added 08.08.23

Classroom objects battleships
(MS PowerPoint 433 KB)

added 08.08.23

Classroom objects battleships
(PDF 156 KB)

added 08.08.23

12 classroom objects grid
(MS PowerPoint 687 KB)

added 08.08.23

Classroom objects, negative with je n'ai pas de
(MS PowerPoint 627 KB)

added 08.08.23

Classroom objects grid with j'ai
(MS PowerPoint 563 KB)

added 08.08.23

Listening - classroom objects, true or false
(PDF 260 KB)

added 08.08.23

Listening - classroom objects, put in order
(PDF 43 KB)

added 08.08.23

Classroom objects A5 flashcards
(PDF 2 MB)

added 08.08.23

Trousse minibook
(PDF 1 MB)

added 3.7.20

Describing school equipment - what's in the box?
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)

added 26.3.20

Au collège puzzles
(PDF 196 KB)

added 21.8.17

Equipment flashcards
(PDF 167 KB)

School equipment flashcards x10 (A5)
(PDF 253 KB)

added 2.9.14

School equipment Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 427 KB)

added 2.9.14

Guess which object - school equipment game
(MS PowerPoint 459 KB)

added 21.9.14

School equipment crossword
(PDF 113 KB)

added 05.12.14

School equipment wordsearch
(PDF 139 KB)

added 05.12.14

Je vois - write sentences with the correct articles
(PDF 264 KB)

added 29.08.21

Qu'est-ce que je vois? minibook
(PDF 586 KB)

added 3.7.20

Model texts (with colour)
(PDF 68 KB)

Model texts (without colour)
(PDF 65 KB)

added 13.12.19

Explaining gender (1)
(MS PowerPoint 459 KB)

added 21.9.14

Explaining gender (2)
(MS PowerPoint 677 KB)

added 21.9.14

Masculine/feminine listening words
(MS Word 15 KB)

added 21.9.14

Un/une cards
(PDF 21 KB)

added 21.9.14

Gender-spotting cards A/B
(PDF 1 MB)

added 21.9.14

Finding the gender of a word by looking at its ending
(to use in conjunction with gender-spotting cards above)
(MS PowerPoint 320 KB)
added 05.12.14

Finding the gender and meaning of words in the dictionary
(MS PowerPoint 291 KB)

added 05.12.14

Pupil activity sheet - alphabetical order
(PDF 19 KB)

added 05.12.14

Alphabetical order cards
(PDF 909 KB)

added 7.11.14

Dictionary practice sheets (for Oxford First Learner's French Dictionary
(PDF 123 KB)

(PDF 336 KB)

added 5.10.14


Family and pets busy bee activity
(PDF 190 KB)

added 08.08.24

Family - tangled translation
(PDF 170 KB)

added 01.09.22

Siblings and cousins, saying their name and age - sentence builder
(PDF 96 KB)

added 29.08.21

Ma famille - concept map
(PDF 278 KB)

added 29.08.21

Family dialogue B
(PDF 40 KB)

added 29.08.21

Family odd one out
(PDF 172 KB)

added 29.08.21

Ma famille - wordsearch
(PDF 409 KB)

added 29.08.21

Family texts
(PDF 19 KB)

added 21.3.21

Family sentence builder
(PDF 389 KB)

added 21.3.21

Family - minibook
(PDF 740 KB)

added 3.7.20

Siblings and friends sentence builder
(PDF 116 KB)

added 22.5.20

Family tree for describing your imaginary family
(PDF 373 KB)

added 26.3.20

Correcting writing
(PDF 287 KB)

added 13.12.19

Sample dialogues for family
(PDF 42 KB)

added 01.09.15

Personal description dominoes
(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 13.8.15

Family 100 points game
(MS PowerPoint 559 KB)

added 13.8.15

Family points game
(MS PowerPoint 446 KB
added 13.8.15

Brothers and sisters role play cards
(PDF 45 KB)

added 18.05.15

Family minibook
(MS PowerPoint 52 KB)

added 28.4.14

Family members
(MS PowerPoint 313 KB)

Le jeu de 7 familles (Happy Families cards)
(PDF 861 KB)

Ma famille
(MS PowerPoint 257 KB)

La famille
(MS PowerPoint 25 KB)

Pets busy bee writing activity
(PDF 216 KB)

added 29.08.21

Numbers of pets - dartboard activity
(PDF 185 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets writing sheet
(PDF 70 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets' names and ages - vocabulary builder
(PDF 62 KB)

Pets' names and ages - vocabulary builder (lower ability)
(PDF 52 KB)

added 29.08.21

I have pets - sentence builder
(PDF 106 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets odd one out
(PDF 172 KB)

added 29.08.21

Pets minibook
(PDF 1 MB)

added 3.7.20

Plurals of pets - counting
(PDF 642 KB)
added 22.5.20

Pets minibook
(PDF 975 KB)

added 22.5.20

Pets sentence builder
(PDF 117 KB)

added 22.5.20

Sample dialogues for pets
(PDF 42 KB)

added 01.09.15


Flags busy bee activity
(PDF 226 KB)
added 08.08.24

Flags - Knowledge Organiser
(PDF 505 KB)

added 23.7.20

Flags minibook
(PDF 601 KB)

added 3.7.20

Mon drapeau sentence builder (1)
(PDF 16 KB)

Mon drapeau sentence builder (2)
(PDF 28 KB)

added 12.5.20

Mon drapeau word mat
(PDF 203 KB)

added 16.09.16

Mon drapeau sentence cards
(PDF 128 KB)

added 18.05.15

Mon drapeau - World Cup flags lesson
(MS PowerPoint 1.1 MB)

(MS Word 16 KB)

Writing frame
(PDF 21 KB)

Reading - Which flag? 1
(PDF 132 KB)

Reading - Which flag? 2
(PDF 208 KB)

Read about how to use these resources on our blog
added 25.4.14


Listening jars 1-39 (4 numbers)
(PDF 357 KB)

Listening jars 1-39 (3 numbers)
(PDF 311 KB)

added 22.11.24

Les animaux du zoo
(PDF 1.4 MB)

added 01.09.22

Au zoo - sentence builder
(PDF 174 KB)

added 01.09.22

Au zoo - missing vowels
(PDF 64 KB)

added 01.09.22

How many animals?
(MS PowerPoint 15.6 MB)

added 01.09.22

Writing the plural forms of the zoo animals
(PDF 385 KB)

added 01.09.22

List of other animals at Zoo La Palmyre
(PDF 38 KB)

added 01.09.22

Au zoo - minibook
(PDF 1.5 MB)

added 01.09.22

L'âne du Poitou - reading text
(PDF 1.4 MB)

added 01.09.22

Animal park animals
(PDF 1.7 MB)

added 29.08.21

Animal park sentence builder
(PDF 183 KB)

added 29.08.21

Animal park minibook
(PDF 2.8 MB)

added 3.7.20

Numbers 1-39 - maths
(PDF 33 KB)

added 29.08.21

Numbers to 39 - counting
(PDF 37 KB)

added 29.08.21

0 to 20 flypast
(MS PowerPoint 161 KB)

Numbers to 31
(MS PowerPoint 142 KB)

Plus ou moins
(MS PowerPoint 138 KB)

Numbers 0-31
(MS PowerPoint 137 KB)

1 to 20 maths sort
(PDF 18 KB)

added 28.4.15

Numbers 11 to 20 practice
(PDF 35 KB)

added 6.2.15

Car park numbers 11-20
(PDF 1.38 MB)

How to use it
added 5.1.15

1 to 20 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 283 KB)

11 to 20 Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 220 KB)

Numbers to 20 list
(PDF 24 KB)

Practising numbers to 20
(PDF 404 KB)

Numbers 1 to 31 addition grid
(PDF 19 KB)

added 05.01.16

Numbers 1 to 31 addition grid (higher ability)
(PDF 13 KB)

added 05.01.16

Playing Countdown with 1-31 and dice
(MS PowerPoint 437 KB)

added 03.11.15

Combien? numbers 16-31
(MS PowerPoint 396 KB)

added 10.12.18


Birthdays writing strip
(PDF 31 KB)

added 22.11.24

Dates Trapdoor
(MS PowerPoint 369 KB)

added 08.08.23

Dates revision - find the errors
(MS PowerPoint 636 KB)

added 08.08.23

Days of the week - listen and point grids
(MS PowerPoint 466 KB)

added 08.08.23

Dates of fêtes
(MS PowerPoint 445 KB)

added 08.08.23

Birthdays Trapdoor
(MS PowerPoint 377 KB)

added 08.08.23

Months - which number? grid
(MS PowerPoint 375 KB)

added 08.08.23

Months - listen and point grid
(MS PowerPoint 372 KB)

added 08.08.23

Saying a third person's birthday
(PDF 690 KB)

added 01.09.22

Birthdays tangled translation
(PDF 103 KB)

added 01.09.22

Saying when your birthday is - Flippity randomiser
(added 01.02.22)

Saying your birthday minibook
(PDF 511 KB)

added 3.7.20

Saying your birthday - sentence builder
(PDF 142 KB)

added 22.5.20

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Writing sheets, 3 ability levels
(PDF 3.4 MB)

added 5.7.17

Sample dialogue for age and birthday
(PDF 39 KB)

added 01.09.15

Days, months and dates odd one out
(PDF 168 KB)

added 29.08.21

Dates sentence builder
(PDF 69 KB)

added 29.08.21

Saints' days showdown
(PDF 28 KB)

Saints' days showdown (no days)
(PDF 27 KB)

added 29.08.21

Opinions of days writing strip
(PDF 49 KB)

added 29.08.21

Hungry monster writing frame
(PDF 386 KB)

added 29.08.21

Dates colouring
(PDF 21 KB)

added 13.12.19

Days of the week bingo
(PDF 188 KB)

added 03.06.19

Writing the date
(PDF 38 KB)

added 26.01.16

Writing the date
(PDF 45 KB)

added 08.08.23

Bonjour Madame Lundi (rhyme)
(MS PowerPoint 330 KB)

added 03.11.15

(PDF 55 KB)

added 13.8.15

Days of the week practice
(PDF 111 KB)

added 6.2.15

Days word shapes
(MS PowerPoint 431 KB)

added 28.4.14

Months repetition activities
(PDF 171 KB)

Months dominoes
(PDF 1 MB)

Months dominoes answers
(MS PowerPoint 923 KB)

(MS PowerPoint 241 KB)

Days and months rhombus puzzle
(PDF 11 KB)

Days and months rhombus puzzle solution
(PDF 9 KB)

Au café - partitive article + food sentence builder
(PDF 167 KB
added 08.08.24

Au café - food sentence builder
(PDF 16 KB)

added 08.08.24

Au café writing sheet
(PDF 264 KB)

added 08.08.24

Au café PIN numbers
(PDF 62 KB)

added 08.08.24

Au café drinks reading activity
(PDF 59 KB)

added 08.08.24

In the café - opinions of 6 foods
(MS PowerPoint 2.2 MB)

added 08.08.24

In the café - 6 more foods
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 08.08.24

In the café - 6 foods
(MS PowerPoint 2.2 MB)

added 08.08.24

In the café - opinions of 8 drinks
(MS PowerPoint 538 KB)

added 08.08.24

In the café - 8 drinks with je voudrais
(MS PowerPoint 590 KB)

added 08.08.24

In the café - 6 drinks with je voudrais
(MS PowerPoint 516 KB)

added 08.08.24

Les fruits - puzzles
(PDF 459 KB)

added 17.02.24

Opinions of fruits - bingo check list
(PDF 26 KB)

added 17.02.24

J'ai / je n'ai pas de + fruits
(MS PowerPoint 1.3 MB)

added 17.02.24

Opinions of fruits with conjunctions
(MS PowerPoint 365 KB)

added 17.02.24

Opinions of 10 fruits
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 17.02.24

Plurals of 5 fruits
(MS PowerPoint 1.35 MB)

added 17.02.24

5 fruits Kim's game
(MS PowerPoint 1.3 MB)

added 17.02.24

5 fruits - listening - which bag?
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 KB)

Les fruits - which bag - questions
(MS Word 18 KB)

added 17.02.24

Opinions of plural fruits
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 KB)

added 17.02.24

Fruits Rally Table
(PDF 899 KB)

added 19.08.23

Fruit opinions sentence builder
(PDF 55 KB)

added 19.08.23

Fruit crosswords
(PDF 241 KB)

added 19.08.23

Fruits - translate the opinions
(PDF 33 KB)

added 19.08.23

Opinions of fruits - fill in the missing vowels (2)
(PDF 50 KB)

added 19.08.23

Opinions of fruits - fill in the missing vowels
(PDF 50 KB)

added 19.08.23

Simple opinions of fruit - translation
(PDF 50 KB)

added 19.08.23

Les fruits
(MS PowerPoint 1.4 MB)

added 08.08.23

Fruit flashcards A5
(PDF 1.2 MB)

added 08.08.23

Opinions flashcards A5
(PDF 13 KB)

added 08.08.23

Fruits sentence builder for plural forms
(PDF 566 KB)

added 27.05.22

Opinions of food - battleships
(PDF 30 KB)

added 01.02.22

Opinions of food and drink - dartboard writing activity
(PDF 185 KB)

added 29.08.21

Food busy bee writing activity
(PDF 257 KB)

added 29.08.21

Saying someone is hungry or thirsty
(PDF 196 KB)

added 21.3.21

Saying you are hungry or thirsty - PIN numbers
(PDF 22 KB)

added 21.3.21

4 opinions with singular foods - sentence builder
(PDF 106 KB)

added 21.3.21

4 opinions with singular foods and conjunctions - sentence builder
(PDF 14 KB)

added 21.3.21

Opinions of singular foods - sentence builder
(PDF 105 KB)

added 21.3.21

Opinions translations
(PDF 15 KB)

added 21.3.21

Opinions sentences unmix
(PDF 13 KB)

added 21.3.21

Opinions texts (singular foods)
(PDF 17 KB)

added 21.3.21

Opinions texts (plural foods)
(PDF 18 KB)

added 21.3.21

Food and opinions minibook
(PDF 791 KB)

added 3.7.20

Food and opinions - sentence builder
(PDF 32 KB)

added 22.05.20

Food and opinions battleships
(PDF 549 KB)

added 23.5.16

Food wordsearch
(PDF 45 KB)

added 23.5.16

Food crossword
(PDF 38 KB)

added 23.5.16

10 foods
(MS PowerPoint 842 KB)

added 23.5.16

Random food selector - press S to stop and start
(MS PowerPoint 685 KB)
added 23.5.16

Food likes and dislikes
(MS PowerPoint 845 KB)

added 23.5.16

Foods Kim's Games x2
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 23.5.16

Food extended sentences
(MS PowerPoint 269 KB)

added 23.5.16

Food and opinions - sample dialogues
(PDF 40 KB)

added 13.8.15

5 in a row - fruit and vegetables
(PDF 779 KB)

added 13.8.15

Crêpe fillings
(PDF 506 KB)

added 23.02.15

(MS PowerPoint 1.1 MB)

Lunchtime grid
(PDF 14 KB)

Lunchtime opinions
(MS PowerPoint 3 MB)

Food list for matching up
(PDF 25 KB)

Food list matching to check
(MS PowerPoint 195 KB)


Weather and points of the compass battleships
(PDF 287 KB)

added 08.08.24

Points of the compass
(MS PowerPoint 582 KB)

added 17.02.24

Compass points writing activity
(PDF 359 KB)

added 17.02.24

Points of the compass song
(PDF 20 KB)

added 17.02.24

Put the weather words in the right order
(PDF 36 KB)

added 19.08.23

Translate the weather phrases
(PDF 36 KB)

added 19.08.23

Weather reading activity - true or false
(PDF 102 KB)

added 19.08.23

Weather and points of the compass - battleships
(PDF 213 KB)

added 01.02.22

Weather in France sentence builder
(PDF 112 KB)

added 29.08.21

Weather odd one out
(PDF 170 KB)

added 29.08.21

Weather nouns - dartboard writing activity
(PDF 185 KB)

added 29.08.21

Weather and points of the compass sentence builder
(PDF 1 MB)

added 23.7.20

Weather minibook
(PDF 575 KB)

added 3.7.20

5-in-a-row weather
(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 02.08.16

Weather true/false statements
(using map below)
(MS PowerPoint 392 KB)

Weather true/false statements (higher ability)
(MS PowerPoint 395 KB)

added 05.01.16

Weather true/false statements (higher and lower ability)
(using map below)
(PDF 40 KB)

added 05.01.16

French weather map
(PDF 1.7 MB)

added 05.01.16

French weather puzzles
(PDF 111 KB)

added 05.01.16

Weather phrases worksheet (A)
(PDF 307 KB)

Weather phrases worksheet (B)
(PDF 307 KB)

added 21.9.14

Weather minibook - Quel temps Berthe?
(PDF 30 KB)

added 28.4.14

Random weather selector - press S to stop and start it
(MS PowerPoint 1.8 MB)
added 28.4.14

Points of the compass, by the Smurfs
(MS PowerPoint 400 KB)

Weather and places rhyme
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)

Weather phrases Kim's Game
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

Weather flashcards A5
(PDF 1.8 MB)


Time minibook
(PDF 398 KB)

added 3.7.20

O'clock and half past sentence builder
(PDF 15 KB)

added 22.5.20

O'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to sentence builder
(PDF 15 KB)

added 22.5.20

All minutes past and to the hour - sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 16 KB)

added 22.5.20

All minutes past and to the hour - sentence builder (table)
(PDF 15 KB)

added 22.5.20

24 hour clock - sentence builder
(PDF 15 KB)

added 22.5.20

Time writing sheet
(MS Word 162 KB)

added 27.09.16

Time dominoes
(MS Word 453 KB)

added 27.09.16

Time PowerPoint
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

added 27.09.16

Time pairs matching
(MS Word 904 KB)

added 27.09.16

Time multiple choice
(MS Word 222 KB)

added 27.09.16

Time matching pairs worksheet
(MS Word 402 KB)

added 27.09.16


Spicy Starters:
Numbers and colours

(MS PowerPoint 525 KB)

added 02.02.23

Numbers 1-1000: Listen, Read, Write
(PDF 177 KB)

added 27.11.22

Building 4-figure numbers - Flippity randomiser
(added 01.02.22)

Building 3-figure numbers - Flippity randomiser
(added 01.02.22)

Big numbers minibook
(PDF 510 KB)

added 3.7.20

Building numbers to 99
(PDF 16 KB)

added 22.5.20

Building big numbers
(PDF 16 KB)

added 22.05.20

Numbers 31-69 dominoes
(PDF 10 KB)

(PDF 9 KB)

(PDF 10 KB)

added 21.10.16

5 in a row - numbers to 64
(PDF 40 KB)

added 13.8.15

Working out the prices of sweets
(MS PowerPoint 2.28 MB)

Numbers 60-100 dominoes
(PDF 12 KB)

Numbers 60-100 square puzzle
(PDF 12 KB)

(PDF 12 KB)

Writing numbers up to 69
(PDF 270 KB)

C'est combien?
(MS PowerPoint 296 KB)

Greater than, less than or equal to?
(MS PowerPoint 152 KB)

Rounding numbers up and down
(MS PowerPoint 146 KB)

Number cribcards (1-1000)
(PDF 34 KB)

1-69 Counting practice
(MS PowerPoint 203 KB)

70-100 Counting practice
(MS PowerPoint 177 KB)


Planets busy bee writing activity
(PDF 219 KB)

added 29.08.21

Describing the planets - flowchart sentence builder
(PDF 423 KB)

added 22.5.20

Practising big numbers with the planets
(PDF 39 KB)

added 08.11.19

Planets sentences sheet
(PDF 38 KB)

added 06.05.16

Les Planètes worksheet
(PDF 96 KB)

added 28.4.14

Planets descriptions
(MS Word 64 KB)

added 28.4.14

Planets sentence words
(PDF 18 KB)

Planets data table
(PDF 32 KB)

Planets data table with numbers as words
(PDF 34 KB)

Planets data questions
(PDF 33 KB)

Planets sentences unmix
(PDF 30 KB)

Planets dominoes
(PDF 7 KB)

Planets writing grid
(MS Word 37 KB)

Distance from the sun
(MS PowerPoint 720 KB)

Planets true/false
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

Planets writing frame 1
(MS PowerPoint 140 KB)

Planets writing frame 2
(MS PowerPoint 145 KB)

Planets writing frame 3
(MS PowerPoint 261 KB)


Describing strange animals - sentence builder
(PDF 193 KB)

added 22.5.20

"Wanted" posters
(PDF 33 KB)

added 21.1.18

Beetle games
(MS Word 89 KB)

added 15.4.14

Describe monsters
(MS PowerPoint 357 KB)

Describe monsters 2
(MS PowerPoint 174 KB)

Body word cards
(PDF 19 KB)

Body and colours discussion circle
(PDF 2.1 MB)

(PDF 391 KB)

Monster description texts
(PDF 82 KB)

Monster description grid
(PDF 299 KB)

Synonyms and antonyms of personal description adjectives
(PDF 17 KB)

added 29.08.21

Hair and eyes sentence builder
(PDF 67 KB)

added 23.7.20

Hair and eyes minibook
(PDF 384 KB)

added 3.7.20

Describing parts of the head - describe a monster - sentence builder
(PDF 114 KB)

added 22.5.20

Describing parts of the head with colours - Rally Table
(PDF 19 KB)

added 26.3.20

Describing hair and eyes
(PDF 1 MB)

added 31.1.20

Guess Who – describing hair
(PDF 196 KB)

added 31.1.20

Guess Who – describing eyes
(PDF 255 KB)

added 31.1.20

Qui est-ce? "Guess who?" grid
(PDF 646 KB)

added 15.6.17


1st and 3rd person opinions of sports
(PDF 928 KB)

added 01.09.22

Talking about sports in the 1st and 3rd person
(PDF 1 MB)

added 01.09.22

Sport sentences with pictograms
(PDF 752 KB)

added 29.08.21

Playing and doing sports - reading texts
(PDF 20 KB)

added 29.08.21

Opinions of sports - reading texts
(PDF 20 KB)

added 29.08.21

Sports busy bee writing activity
(PDF 257 KB)

added 29.08.21

Sports minibook
(PDF 784 KB)

added 3.7.20

Sports with je fais and je joue - sentence builder (flowchart)
(PDF 262 KB)

added 22.5.20

Sports with je fais and je joue - sentence builder (table)
(PDF 508 KB)

added 22.5.20

Sports with je joue and je fais
(MS PowerPoint 547 KB)

added 21.2.19

Adjectival agreement with sports kit - practice
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 10.12.18

Adjectival agreement with sports kit - multiple choice
(MS PowerPoint 260 KB)

added 10.12.18

Sports fortune teller
(PDF 489 KB)

added 23.02.15


En ville: Listen, Read, Write
(PDF 177 KB)

added 27.11.22

En ville translation differentiated translation texts
(PDF 31 KB)

added 29.08.21

Places in town and il y a - sentence builder
(PDF 134 KB)

added 29.08.21

Describing your town - trapdoor
(PDF 21 KB)

added 29.08.21

Describing your town - odd one out
(PDF 168 KB)

added 29.08.21

Describing your town - sentence builder
(PDF 15 KB)

added 29.08.21

In town - busy bee writing activity
(PDF 229 KB)

added 29.08.21

Aller en ville sentence builder
(PDF 15 KB)

added 23.7.20

Describing your town - minibook
(PDF 619 KB)

added 3.7.20

Transport and francophone countries, writing frame
(MS PowerPoint 265 KB)

added 2.7.14

(MS PowerPoint 780 KB)

Reproduced here with kind permission of Brilliant Publications

Pictures of places
(MS PowerPoint 550 KB)

Practise places in town
(MS PowerPoint 838 KB)

Il y a / il n'y a pas de
(MS PowerPoint 895 KB)

Photos of places in French towns
(MS PowerPoint 9.5 MB)

En ville - worksheet for saying what there is and isn't in a town
(PDF 322 KB)

Places in Town flashcards
(PDF 940 KB)

Places in Town tiny cards for sentence building
(PDF 1 MB)

Aller + places + transports - sentence builder
(PDF 90 KB)

added 21.3.21

Transports and aller minibook
(PDF 567 KB)

added 3.7.20

Compass point cards
(PDF 97 KB)

added 16.09.16

Transport puzzles
(PDF 56 KB)

added 18.05.15

Transport flashcards A5
(PDF 2.1 MB)

Transport small cards
(PDF 2.9 MB)

Transport song
(MS PowerPoint 2.7 MB)

Writing frame
(MS Word 16 KB)


Where you live / nationalities
(MS PowerPoint 2.3 MB)

added 08.08.23

Which country are you from? - sentence builder
(PDF 16 KB)

added 29.08.21

Nationalities sentence builder
(PDF 44 KB)

added 29.08.21

Nationalities - dartboard writing activity
(PDF 186 KB)

added 29.08.21

Making sentences negative
(PDF 34 KB)

added 29.08.21

Parler and negatives sentence builder
(PDF 71 KB)

added 21.3.21

Parler and languages sentence builder
(PDF 71 KB)

added 21.3.21

Parler battleships
(PDF 95 KB)

added 21.3.21

Où habites-tu ?
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

added 6.2.15

Les pays francophones
(MS PowerPoint 690 KB)

added 2.7.14

Paris and France
(MS PowerPoint 978 KB)

Labelling France map
(MS PowerPoint 716 KB)

Francophone countries in Europe
(MS Word 31 KB)

Francophone countries in Africa
(MS Word 116 KB)

Francophone countries in America
(MS Word 37 KB)

Les pays
(MS PowerPoint 87 KB)


Instruments grid
(MS PowerPoint 4 MB)

added 08.08.24

Playing instruments sentence builder
(PDF 287 KB)

added 08.08.24

Instruments glossary
(PDF 1 MB)

added 08.08.24

Musical genres II
(PDF 41 KB)
added 08.08.24

Musical genres
(PDF 681 KB)

added 02.08.16

Je suis le musicien
(MS PowerPoint 1.4 MB)

added 14.6.21

(PDF 3.4 MB)


Matisse sentence builder
(PDF 174 KB)

added 18.6.20

Plurals - what's in the box?
(MS PowerPoint 2 MB)

added 10.12.18

Describing Matisse shapes with colour
(PDF 197 KB)

added 4.03.16

Describing Matisse shapes with colour - support grid
(PDF 46 KB)

added 4.03.16

Matisse plural pictures for practice
(PDF 230 KB)

added 23.02.16

Plurals practice
(MS PowerPoint 292 KB)

added 26.01.16

Plurals practice (2)
(MS PowerPoint 292 KB)

added 26.01.16

Matisse 1
(MS PowerPoint 597 KB)

added 26.01.16

Matisse 2
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 26.01.16

Matisse shapes triangle puzzle
(PDF 61 KB)

(PDF 49 KB)

(PDF 58 KB)

added 05.01.16

Matisse shapes English-French glossary
(PDF 19 KB)

added 05.01.16

Matisse shapes counting
(PDF 389 KB)

added 05.01.16

Make a Matisse picture - dice-throw
(PDF 167 KB)

added 05.01.16


Salut ! Je suis.... story
(MS PowerPoint 6.25 MB)

added 22.11.24

Bonjour / Au revoir
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 KB)

added 22.11.24

Toc toc toc ! story
(MS PowerPoint 5 MB)

added 22.11.24

Random number generator 1 to 6 - start and stop with S
(MS PowerPoint 1.2 MB)

Parrots flypast 1 to 6
(MS PowerPoint 542 KB)

Numbers 1 to 6 counting
(PDF 875 KB)

Numbers 1 to 6 maths
(PDF 56 KB)

Listening chests 1 to 6 (3 chests) more info here
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 MB)
Listening chests 1 to 6 (4 chests)
(MS PowerPoint 1.9 MB)

Listening chests 6 colours (3 chests)
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)

Listening chests 6 colours (4 chests)
(MS PowerPoint 2.8 MB)

Listening chests cards
(PDF 947 KB)

Je m'appelle writing (Year 1)
(PDF 623 KB)

Je m'appelle writing (Year 2)
(PDF 360 KB)

Saying bonjour and au revoir to the pirates
(MS PowerPoint 4.4 MB)

added 30.10.23
Saying your name display

(PDF 417 KB)

Treasure chest numbers 1 to 6
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

Treasure chest numbers 1 to 10
(MS PowerPoint 1.5 MB)

Treasure chest number cards 1 to 10
(PDF 372 KB)

Coins and parrots counting cards
(PDF 5 MB)

Colours mat
(PDF 1.3 MB)

Parrot colours fly past
(MS PowerPoint 5.3 MB)

Parrot colours random selector - start and stop with S
(MS PowerPoint 4.4 MB)

Parrot colouring (6 colours)
(PDF 579 KB)

Parrot colouring (12 colours)
(PDF 717 KB)

Hat feather colours (6 colours)
(MS PowerPoint 4.3 MB)

Hat feather colours (10 colours)
(MS PowerPoint 10.2 MB)

Feather colouring (6 colours)
(PDF 602 KB)

Feather colouring (12 colours)
(PDF 362 KB)

added 19.08.23
Pirates treasure chests numbers 1 to 6
(PDF 371 KB)

added 17.02.24

4 colours - read and colour in
(PDF 32 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 multiple choice
(PDF 30 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 - how many are left?
(PDF 48 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 count the circles
(PDF 902 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 circle the numbers
(PDF 888 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 draw the numbers on the 10 frames
(PDF 30 KB)

added 02.02.23

1 to 10 count the numbers in the ten frames
(PDF 36 KB)

added 02.02.23

4 colours counting
(MS PowerPoint 1.1 MB)

added 02.02.23

Greetings rap
(MS PowerPoint 973 KB)

Greetings rap (2)
(MS PowerPoint 975 KB)

added 02.02.23

Greetings - listen and do actions
(MS PowerPoint 460 KB)

added 02.02.23

Les petites bêtes monolingual dictionary
(PDF 2.6 MB)

added 2.7.14

The gingerbread man (L'homme de pain d'épice)
(MS PowerPoint 2.7 MB)

Holiday suitcase activity
(PDF 452 KB)

added 14.5.16

L'Arche de Noé minibook
(PDF 84 KB)
L'arche de Noé steps
(PDF 354 KB)

added 24.03.15

Parts of a plant worksheet
(PDF 57 KB)

added 13.4.18

Parts of a plant labels for display
(PDF 73 KB)

added 13.4.18

Dix bonhommes de neige - a counting story
(MS PowerPoint 2.5 MB)

added 26.1.21

5 senses flashcards
(PDF 1.1 MB)

5 senses display cards
(PDF 1.1 MB)

5 senses overview
(PDF 18 KB)

5 senses cards
(PDF 8.2 MB)

added 03.11.15

5 senses simple writing
(PDF 3.3 MB)

added 17.11.15

Sports and how well you do them:
Sports speech bubbles for writing
(PDF 37 KB)

added 6.2.15
Simple sports and opinions writing frame
(PDF 107 KB)

added 6.2.15
French clapping rhymes
(MS PowerPoint 161 KB)
Activities and how well you do them
(MS PowerPoint 626 KB)
Activities and how well you do them - battleships
(PDF 244 KB)
Activities writing frame
(MS PowerPoint 295 KB)
Sports and opinions writing frame
(PDF 15 KB)

Numbers, colours and shapes
(MS PowerPoint 156 KB)


Silent letters listening
(MS PowerPoint 411 KB)

added 02.02.23

-er and -ère sounds
(MS PowerPoint 394 KB)

added 24.03.15

The -en sound
(MS PowerPoint 341 KB)

added 24.03.15

French words with the 'ou' sound
(MS Word 19 KB)

added 2.9.14

French words with the 'ou' sound
(MP3 1.1 MB)

added 2.9.14

The 'ou' sound in French
(MS PowerPoint 427 KB)

added 2.9.14

'ou' sound listening words
(MS Word 15 KB)

added 21.9.14

L'éléphant se douche - comptine with the 'ou' sound
(MS PowerPoint 271 KB)

added 21.9.14

The 'i' sound in French
(MS PowerPoint 323 KB)

added 21.9.14

French words with the 'i' sound
(MS Word 19 KB)

added 21.9.14

'i' sound listening words
(MS Word 15 KB)

added 21.9.14

'i' or 'ou' sound listening words
(MS Word 15 KB)

added 21.9.14


Les oeufs de Pâques poem
(MS PowerPoint 299 KB)

added 25.6.17

Les oeufs de Pâques (Easter eggs) poem
(PDF 34 KB)

added 30.4.17

(MS PowerPoint 733 KB)

added 24.03.15

(MS PowerPoint 1.3 MB)

added 24.03.15

Poisson d'avril
(MS PowerPoint 816 KB)

added 2.7.14

Sur le Pont d'Avignon
(MS PowerPoint 5.3 MB)

accompanying worksheet
(MS Word 174 KB)

added 15.4.14

St Valentin mini-book
(PDF 354 KB)

Fête des mères - card
(PDF 24 KB)

Fête des mères - how to make the card
(MS PowerPoint 2.1 MB)

Easter minibook (i)
(PDF 155 KB)

Easter minibook (ii)
(PDF 156 KB)

Cloches volantes
(PDF 77 KB)

French handwriting
(PDF 79 KB)


Knowledge Organisers

(PDF 234 KB)

added 23.7.20

Numbers and age
(PDF 338 KB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 2 MB)

added 23.7.20

Pencil case and gender
(PDF 665 KB)

added 23.7.20

Family and pets
(PDF 1 MB)

added 23.7.20

Je fais des voyages
(PDF 166 KB)

added 25.01.22

(PDF 505 KB)

added 23.7.20

Unit 7 - Au zoo
(PDF 248 KB)

added 01.09.22

Days, months and dates
(PDF 854 KB)

added 23.7.20

La tête
(PDF 702 KB)

added 23.7.20

Le corps
(PDF 1.2 MB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 928 KB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 788 KB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 1.1 MB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 995 KB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 995 KB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 834 KB)

added 23.7.20

(PDF 1.3 MB)

added 23.7.20

Big numbers
(PDF 829 KB)

added 23.7.20

Telling the time
(PDF 601 KB)

added 23.7.20

In town
(PDF 781 KB)

added 23.7.20

Clothes and description
(PDF 695 KB)

added 23.7.20

Je suis musicien
(PDF 274 KB)

added 01.10.21

C'est moi
(PDF 68 KB)

added 01.10.21

Animal park
(PDF 250 KB)

added 01.10.21

Word Mats

(PDF 105 KB)

added 2.6.17

Then and Now
(PDF 195 KB)

added 16.09.16

(PDF 238 KB)

added 16.09.16

Les Planètes
(PDF 213 KB)

added 16.09.16

Mon drapeau
(PDF 203 KB)

added 16.09.16

J'adore les sports
(PDF 132 KB)

added 16.09.16

(PDF 760 KB)

added 16.09.16

Big numbers
(PDF 160 KB)

added 16.09.16

Telling the time
(PDF 171 KB)

added 16.09.16

La tête
(PDF 189 KB)

added 16.09.16

Food (2)
(PDF 1.3 MB)

added 23.5.16

In town
(PDF 398 KB)

added 06.05.16

Clothes and description
(PDF 71 KB)

added 26.01.16

(PDF 181 KB)

added 18.05.15

Numbers and age
(PDF 310 KB)

added 18.05.15

Days, months and dates
(PDF 107 KB)

added 18.05.15

(PDF 1.8 MB)

added 18.05.15

(PDF 78 KB)

added 18.05.15

(PDF 89 KB)

added 18.05.15

(PDF 199 KB)

added 18.05.15

(PDF 752 KB)

added 18.05.15

School equipment
(PDF 230 KB)

added 18.05.15

(PDF 503 KB)

added 18.05.15


12 colours and 5 animals - puzzle
(PDF 265 KB)

added 08.08.24

Spicy starters:
(MS PowerPoint 457 KB)

Greetings and accents
(MS PowerPoint 443 KB)

Greetings, numbers and genders
(MS PowerPoint 443 KB)

Gender and accents
(MS PowerPoint 1.4 MB)

Numbers and gender
(MS PowerPoint 443 KB)

added 08.08.23

A l'école - subjects
(MS PowerPoint 832 KB)

added 08.08.23

Negative forms (je ne suis pas)
(MS PowerPoint 6 MB)

added 08.08.23

Ordering food and drinks in the café
(MS PowerPoint 4.5 MB)

added 08.08.23

Using WordReference
(PDF 90 KB)

added 08.08.23

Animals guessing with je suis
(MS PowerPoint 3.2 MB)

added 08.08.23

Animals, colours and je suis
(PDF 227 KB)

added 08.08.23

Animals glossary
(PDF 96 KB)

added 08.08.23

I spy
(MS PowerPoint 481 KB)

added 02.02.23

10 animals flashcards (A5)
(PDF 12.5 MB)

added 02.02.23

Counting animals (numbers 1 to 10)
(MS PowerPoint 491 KB)

added 02.02.23

10 animals
(MS PowerPoint 6 MB)

added 02.02.23

Lily-pad writing frame
(PDF 190 KB)

Lily-pad writing frame (for editing)
(MS Publisher 82 KB)

Où habites-tu? sample dialogue
(PDF 40 KB)

added 2.6.17

Où habites-tu? writing activity
(PDF 72 KB)

added 2.6.17

Où habite-il/elle? writing activity
(PDF 63 KB)

added 2.6.17

Cro-Magnon man reading text
(PDF 205 KB)

added 26.01.16

Solar System reading text
(PDF 77 KB)

added 26.01.16

Sandro Botticelli reading text
(PDF 22 KB)

added 26.01.16

Châteaux de la Loire reading text
(PDF 91 KB)

added 26.01.16

Farm animals reading text
(PDF 77 KB)

added 26.01.16

Forest animals reading text
(PDF 101 KB)

added 26.01.16

Which animal? reading text
(PDF 116 KB)

added 26.01.16

Adjectival agreement sentence builder (using vocab from agreement cards below)
(PDF 100 KB)

added 18.6.20

Agreement cards (based on Les citrons ne sont pas rouges)
(PDF 935 KB)

added 23.02.16

Describing animals:
Scheme of Work
(MS Word 28 KB)

Describing masculine and feminine animals
(MS PowerPoint 267 KB)

added 03.11.15
Animals border writing sheet for colouring and adding to
(PDF 493 KB)

added 13.8.15
Animal Adjectives wordsearch
(PDF 249 KB)

added 18.05.15
Masculine animals and adjectives match up
(MS PowerPoint 276 KB)

added 14.6.15
Feminine animals match up
(MS PowerPoint 267 KB)

added 14.6.15
Animal pictures
(MS PowerPoint 1 MB)

added 14.6.15
Animals true or false
(MS PowerPoint 297 KB)

added 14.6.15
Animal adjectives Venn diagram sort
(MS PowerPoint 346 KB)

added 14.6.15
Adjectival agreement grid
(MS PowerPoint 297 KB)

added 14.6.15
Animal ne...pas sentences (negatives)
(MS PowerPoint 279 KB)

added 14.6.15
Animal text analysis
(MS PowerPoint 853 KB)

added 14.6.15
Animals text
(PDF 937 KB)

added 14.6.15
Animals extended sentences
(PDF 26 KB)

added 14.6.15

Avoir sentences pair activity
(PDF 92 KB)

added 29.08.21

-er verb logic
(PDF 31 KB)

added 06.05.16

5 in a row - aller
(PDF 43 KB)

added 13.8.15

5 in a row - avoir
(PDF 44 KB)

added 13.8.15

5 in a row - être
(PDF 44 KB)

added 13.8.15

aller puzzle
(PDF 370 KB)

added 28.4.15

avoir puzzle
(PDF 306 KB)

added 28.4.15

Jobs with être crossword
(PDF 170 KB)

added 28.4.15

Jobs with être Blue Numbers
(MS Word 16 KB)

added 28.4.15

être minibook (Easter theme)
(PDF 629 KB)

added 28.4.15

(MS PowerPoint 670 KB)

added 24.03.15

être - clues in squares puzzle
(PDF 43 KB)

added 24.03.15

être crossword
(PDF 41 KB)

added 24.03.15

Scheme of Work
(MS Word 25 KB)
Jobs sentence builder
(PDF 16 KB)

added 23.7.20
Jobs sentence builder (tabular)
(PDF 16 KB)

added 23.7.20
Jobs and être using pictograms
(MS PowerPoint 1.13 MB)

added 25.6.17
Jobs and être sentences using pictograms
(PDF 811 KB)

added 2.6.17
Jobs and être clues in squares puzzle
(PDF 120 KB)

added 2.6.17
Jobs + être wordsearch
(PDF 189 KB)

added 13.8.15
Je suis + jobs
(MS PowerPoint 373 KB)

added 24.03.15
Masculine and feminine jobs
(MS PowerPoint 272 KB)

added 24.03.15
Masculine and feminine jobs (2)
(MS PowerPoint 389 KB)

added 24.03.15
Je suis + jobs writing
(PDF 20 KB)

added 24.03.15
Jobs minimal pairs listening activity
(PDF 179 KB)

added 24.03.15
Jobs ending in -er crossword
(PDF 28 KB)

added 24.03.15
Jobs ending in -er labelling
(PDF 470 KB)

added 24.03.15
Jobs ending in -en
(PDF 72 KB)

added 24.03.15
Jobs wordsearch
(PDF 187 KB)

added 24.03.15

Starting to write:
Writing French letters and characters
(PDF 28 KB)

added 20.1.15
Finger-trace letters with accents
(PDF 371 KB)

added 20.3.18
Writing French accents carefully
(PDF 18 KB)

added 05.12.14
The importance of written accents
(MS PowerPoint 259 KB)

added 05.12.14

French artists - research and writing activity
(PDF 31 KB)

added 10.1.17
French artists - research and writing activity - with English
(PDF 37 KB)
added 22.5.20

Word class colouring activity
(PDF 930 KB)

added 13.4.18

Cut out letters for spelling out words
(PDF 17 KB)

added 02.08.16

Reward bracelets
(PDF 44 KB)

added 02.08.16

Alphabet cards
(PDF 35 KB)

added 13.8.15

Yes / no cards
(PDF 30 KB)

added 13.8.15

Blank spinner 8-sided
(PDF 20 KB)

added 23.02.15

Blank spinner 6-sided
(PDF 20 KB)

added 23.02.15

Door handle hanger blank
(PDF 28 KB)

added 23.02.15

Pair matching game for personal information
(MS Word 17 KB)

added 15.4.14

Pencil pot to make
(PDF 67 KB)

Pencil pot blank
(PDF 18 KB)

French bookmarks
(PDF 795 KB)

Halloween words to match up
(PDF 332 KB)

Halloween crossword
(PDF 522 KB)

French fortune teller
(PDF 914 KB)

French fortune teller (black and white)
(PDF 335 KB)

Noughts and crosses board
(MS Word 26 KB)

(MS Word 102 KB)

Snakes and Ladders board
(PDF 273 KB)